WIP : Sensoring Sound: Mapping the Invisible
Based on work with the Shipibo communities of Peru, Bert Gilbert’s Sensoring Sound: Mapping
the Invisible creates an ‘altered state’ via an array of rich kaleidoscopic portals. With the
permission of Shipibo community leaders (Miguel Lopez, Rono Lopez, Angela Sanchez Rios,
Felipe Ochavano Rios and Felipe Segundo), Gilbert spent months ambisonically recording
shamans singing Icaros in ceremony; recording the electrical signals of the plants themselves and
3D-scanning sacred plants and Amazonian junglescapes. Fusing input from sound designer and
composer Colin Watterson; neuroscientist (specialising in psychedelics and consciousness) Chris
Timmerman; analytical hypnotherapist Ann Hamilton; 3D artist Sam Roe; and SubPac’s creator
of wearables Steve Snooks, Gilbert creates an immersive interface between AR, 3D
sound/ambisonics and indigenous sound healing techniques to produce immersive healing
portals. Deconstructing elements of Gilbert’s ‘altered state’ portals, this room visually and
sonically immerses you through a range of 3D models, video clips, and sound work.
Float upwards towards the image with the tree in the middle. Behind it you will see a purple
sphere. Enter it to get teleported to the next room